Built on the foundation laid by the late French Reform, Solar Estates is the next project from Aric Jeffries and Phil Anker. Aric, Phil and Ashley Jeffries (who is responsible for all of the project's artwork) make up the core membership of Solar Estates, and have been playing shows in Chico since late 2014. Their debut EP, The Quiet Season, is meant to be a transition towards minimalist electronic pop music, with aggressive vocals and a strong attention to melody, even in its most ambient moments.
The group has a brand new EP out, called Lines. Lines is a record about personal progress. It's about aggressively deciding to determine your own future, instead of waiting for life to happen to you. There are wanted and unwanted results of that decision, and Lines explores those consequences.
To hear more from Solar Estates, visit https://www.solarestatesmusic.com